Your learning journey starts here
Advance your career with certificates in marketing, project management, leadership, data & AI and product management. Built by experts to help you grow.
AI Literacy & Compliance
Data & AI Certificate
2 hours
Everything you need to become AI literate and ensure compliance with the EU AI Act. Leasrn ethical and legal compliance, aligning AI use with regulations like GDPR.
Business Analytics
Data & AI Certificate
21 hours
We’ll teach you how the world’s leading data professionals use business analytics, and how you can become a data hero.
Data Visualisation & Storytelling
Data & AI Certificate
20 hours
Tell the story of data with visuals and a narrative that cannot be ignored. Engage your audience with the power of data today and translate data into impact.
Data Fundamentals
Data & AI Certificate
19 hours
Get certified in valuable data skills, improve your performance, and future-proof your career.
Design Thinking
Business & Innovation Certificate
12 hours
Use design thinking to solve customer problems and adopt a truly customer-centric approach to drive innovation at your company.
Digital Leadership
Business & Innovation Certificate
19 hours
Rethink business. Lead differently. Lead your team to success with a clear vision and future-proof strategies in the digital era.
Digital Product Management & Strategy
Business & Innovation Certificate
21 hours
Develop an innovative product strategy that delivers strategic business value. Translate market trends and customer needs into data-driven decisions. Design and implement a product roadmap for building, launching, and improving products that succeed in ever-evolving markets.
Web 3 Foundations
Business & Innovation Certificate
20 hours
Learn about real world applications of blockchain technology, security practices, technology assessment, avoiding scams and Web3 basics.
Project Management
Business & Innovation Certificate
19 hours
Get your projects on track. Equip yourself with the ultimate project management techniques and frameworks. Plan, execute, and monitor successful projects for maximum efficiency and cost-saving benefits.
Agile Project Management
Business & Innovation Certificate
20 hours
Supercharge your project management skills and harness the power of agile. Learn essential agile methodologies and concepts to make your projects more flexible, adaptive, and customer-focused, leading to quality outcomes.
Digital Communication
Growth & Marketing Certificate
14 hours
Create a communication strategy that's engaging and persuasive. Learn how to create powerful messages and communicate online using data.
Sales & Business Development
Growth & Marketing Certificate
12.5 hours
Unlock your sales potential. Identify new sales opportunities and nurture business relationships to maximise growth, and drive revenue in today’s competitive market.
Growth Marketing
Growth & Marketing Certificate
15.5 hours
Become an expert in the tools, techniques and strategies that the world’s leading businesses use to grow, and drive impactful growth in your organisation.
Conversion Rate Optimisation Certificate
Growth & Marketing Certificate
12.5 hours
Get more out of your website traffic by optimising your conversion rate. Start conducting proper user research, identifying conversion killers and A/B testing.
Digital Marketing Certificate
Growth & Marketing Certificate
14.5 hours
Harness the power of online channels to maximise your impact. Learn digital marketing strategies and tools to turbocharge business growth online.
AI for Business
Data & AI Certificate
21 hours
Learn AI fundamentals and how to leverage ChatGPT and prompt engineering for content and design generation. Boost productivity with AI solutions and make data-driven decisions for the future.