9 of The Best Leadership Podcasts in 2024

calendar Oct 2, 2022
author Written by Artur Glukhovskyy

A great leader is someone who is continuously looking to grow themselves and their business. They think not only of how new information can benefit them but also how it can lift their teams to new heights. 

This unquenchable thirst for education is perfectly suited to the on-the-go format of a podcast. Here, managers and high-level execs, or as we prefer to call them, leaders, can soak up industry-related advice without having to sacrifice swathes of their time – perhaps their most valued asset. 

Of course, there are quite literally thousands of podcasts swarming the market, so needless to say it can be a bit of a bother trying to decipher which ones are worth a listen. We’ve removed some of the tedium here with our list, of what we think, are the best leadership podcasts in 2024. 

In no particular order, here we go. 

1. Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Podcast 

Made famous by the book, “How To Win Friends and Influence People”, Dale Carnegie brings conversations about leadership to this popular podcast series:

Welcome to Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Podcast, where they seek to uncover what leadership means in today’s world. Hosted by Joe Hart, CEO of Dale Carnegie, they talk to diverse leaders from across various industries to help unlock your potential for success. They share real-life insights into leadership—which in turn can help spark the next level of your growth as a leader.

Listen here

2. How I Built This with Guy Raz 

Guy Raz’s New York Times Best Seller: How I Built This teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to develop a mindset for success.

In his podcast series, he unravels the journeys of the people behind some of the world’s most successful companies. How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built.

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3. Women’s Leadership Success with Sabrina Braham 

Primarily aimed at women but featuring advice and tips from over 100 female and male thought leaders, Women’s Leadership leverages Sabrina Braham’s 30+ years as a researcher and practitioner for getting people further in their careers. 

As well as career advancement, Sabrina’s goal is to inspire future leaders, increase incomes, gain more influence and bring a healthier balance to both the workplace and in our private lives. 

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4. Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman 

Masters of Scale delivers award-winning business advice from iconic CEOs in Silicon Valley and beyond. Ranging from Nike to Netflix, Starbucks to Slack, leaders share the strategies that helped them grow from startups into global brands and how to maintain it when things get rough. 

The show features two formats that help tell the complete story of business growth, survival and the mindsets that carry them through. 

Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder hosts the classic format and sets out to prove unconventional theories about businesses scale, asking his guests to share their stories of entrepreneurship, leadership, strategy, management, and fundraising. You’ll hear the other side too, the failures and setbacks that helped forge resilience in their leadership. 

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5. The ONE Thing 

Established on the premise that education is the key ingredient to succeeding in everything we set out to accomplish, The One Thing podcast aims to motivate its listeners to strive for their goals. 

Led by Geoff Woods, Vice President of ProduKtive, you’ll hear how successful leaders approach different aspects of their lives, from productivity to time management, to the habits they incorporate into their routines and business dealings. 

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6. Without Fail by Gimlet 

Without Fail takes a counterintuitive approach to entertainment by explicitly talking about the things that go wrong. 

Each week, Alex Blumberg (Gimlet co-founder) interviews guests who have shot for the stars and come up short. He’ll talk to people who have taken a massive risk in uncharted waters or tried to accomplish the seemingly impossible. Some of which succeeded but also those who failed in the process. 

It’s these stories of human error that drive the show and help listeners face their fears of what might go wrong. 

Listen here

7. Hacking Your Leadership by Chris Stark & Lorenzo Flores

Hacking Your Leadership explores the human characteristics that cultivate a healthy workplace, where people don't want to leave at the first opportunity. 

Here’s what they have to say about the podcast: 

No role-plays; just real. Chris & Lorenzo share four decades of combined experience to help you become a more effective leader.

Keeping employees engaged and doing their best work today requires a leadership language focused on soft skills like empathy, emotional intelligence, and a desire to make personal connections.

Many leaders want to succeed in this brave new world but employees continue to report poor engagement and they continue to leave companies about every three years. Listen and become a leader who people never want to leave.

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8. LeadX Leadership Show with Kevin Kruse

LeadX, hosted by New York Times Best Seller - Kevin Kruse, gathers the world’s foremost executive coaches and most influential mentors to deliver advice on shifting your mindset to achieve your full potential. 

The show boasts over 350 episodes and includes a diverse range of guests such as John C. Maxwell, Stephen M. R. Covey to Zen monk Meido Moore.

Listen here 

9. Radical Candor The Podcast

Radical Candor is a feedback-driven management philosophy based on empathy and creating a positive, empowered workplace culture. 

Here’s the official word on what to expect: 

Moving from command-and-control to successful collaboration isn’t easy. But telling people what to do doesn’t work. Learn how to kick ass at work without losing your humanity by practising the principles of Radical Candor. 

Host Amy Sandler leads discussions with Radical Candor co-founders Kim Scott and Jason Rosoff about what it means to be Radically Candid, why it’s simple but not easy to Care Personally and Challenge Directly on the daily, and why it’s worth it. 

Tune in to get actionable tips for doing the best work of your life and building the best relationships of your career, and don't forget to read Kim Scott's NYT and WSJ bestselling book Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity!

Listen here

Go forth and grow! 

Thanks for sticking around to check out our list of 9 of the best podcasts in 2024. There’s a healthy amount of information here to digest, so get subscribing to a few of these podcasts (or why not all of them!) and let your leadership growth journey unfold. 


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