The #1 Definition of Video Marketing and Powerful Strategies

calendar Oct 18, 2022
author Written by Artur Glukhovskyy

tool used to start video marketing videos place into a desert

Updated on 29/05/2024

Video Content marketing has become one of the most potent and viable trends in marketing over the last decade.


Virtually anyone can leverage the power of video with their mobile phones. 


You can capture 4K video for sharp images. Besides, editing is easy thanks to built-in software on Android and Apple devices.


Trends in digital marketing are changing rapidly and video marketing is becoming increasingly important.


In 2023, video marketing continued its rise in popularity reporting 86% of businesses using it in their marketing plans.


But, a solid video marketing strategy is nothing but necessary. 


Key takeaways

  1. What is video marketing?

  2. The Importance of Video Marketing Today

  3. 6 reasons why video marketing is important

  4. 8 video marketing examples

  5. Will You Join 79% of Marketers Planning to Use a Video Marketing Strategy?

  6. FAQs


Let's dive in!


What is Video Marketing? 


Video marketing uses video types to boost brand awareness, enhance engagement across marketing channels, and drive leads or sales.


92% of marketers claim that video is an important part of their marketing strategy.


And as technology becomes easier and cheaper to access, we can only see this adoption rate continue to grow.


Next, we'll look at the benefits of offline and online video marketing and why it's important.


If you're not already using it in your marketing strategy, these stats could convince you to start now rather than later!



The Importance of Video Marketing Today


Video marketing has become an essential element of modern business strategies, gaining momentum since YouTube's inception in 2005.


The landscape shifted significantly when Google acquired YouTube in 2006. 


This led to an expansion of advertising opportunities on the social platform.


By the end of 2009, YouTube featured seven distinct ad formats, marking its importance in digital marketing.


The widespread use of smartphones has greatly influenced the rise of video content.


As mobile technology advances, watching animated videos on the go has become more convenient.


And this is driving a substantial increase in video clip consumption.


This also makes it possible for people to watch the entire video. 


One of the key factors behind the rapid growth of video marketing is the accessibility of high-quality video production.


Advances in technology and editing software have made it easier for anyone to create professional-looking videos.


This shift allows marketers to seamlessly integrate videos into their strategies.


But, businesses that ignore this trend risk falling behind in a competitive digital environment.


You can also choose whether you want an owned, paid or earned distribution channel or video ads to drive more visitors. 


So, video marketing is a vital tool in today's digital age.


Its continued evolution provides businesses with innovative ways to connect with audiences and achieve their marketing goals.


importance video marketing


6 Reasons to Fully Understand Why Video Marketing Is Important


Video serves various purposes, from boosting brand visibility to driving leads and sales through an inbound marketing strategy.


Here, we'll discuss how businesses often use videos in marketing, using data to show why it's important.


video importance in marketing


1. Happy Customers love watching videos 


average hours online video watching


People watch an average of 19 hours of online video content per week.


Video content is easy to consume and can be both educational and entertaining.


It's a great way for potential customers to learn more about a product or service.


Not to mention its power to build emotional connections, even with your current customers.



On average, people spend 19 hours a week watching online videos.


2. Video content can boost conversion rates and leads


86% of marketers say that video marketing helps lead generation.


81% say it has a positive impact on sales.


Percentage of marketers who say that creating videos increased their sales


Video is incredibly engaging and performs incredibly well across various social media platforms.


Whether it's a social media video or a Google SERP result, video rocks.


Adding video content to your website and service pages can significantly boost engagement.


Smart companies often use videos in these spaces to showcase their products and services effectively.


Social media posts also benefit from this approach, leveraging explainer videos or customer testimonials to enhance lead generation and drive sales.


marketers who have increased lead generation with video marketing


3. Video is highly shareable 


Since many of us love watching videos, we're more likely to share them with friends, family, and colleagues.


For businesses, this means your brand and its offerings can reach a wider audience.




What can be ideal in video length on Social Media? 

To understand the best social media video length here is a very well-done report by Hootsuite.




4. It gets more emails opened and decreases unsubscribe rates


Email marketing is still a force to be reckoned with as it continues to offer businesses the highest ROI of any channel.


But did you know that embedding video into your emails helps make it even more effective?


Video can be used in multiple ways for email such as welcoming new customers with an introduction video or giving an explainer product video that they've shown interest in.


5. It helps you rank better on Google


To improve their SEO efforts, businesses use video marketing.


It's important to make sure your content is SEO-optimised.


For that, using video marketing efforts helps place you higher on Google's search algorithm.



Google's dedication to engaging users with video content is crystal clear, as demonstrated by the captivating use of YouTube video previews.


But first, the content must be relevant to the user.


This is essentially what Google prioritises when aiming to fulfil a search query.


Video marketing you tube list


6. Video builds trust and credibility


Using video content, companies can engage with customers on a deeper, more professional level.


Video offers numerous ways to foster trust with a broader audience and position your brand as an industry leader.


It can be through explainer videos, tutorials, product demonstrations, virtual tours, introductions to the marketing team, or onboarding sessions.


That way, companies can engage with customers more effectively.


percentage of people who want to watch videos by type


8 Video Marketing Examples 


Now we know how valuable video marketing can be for your business let's turn our attention to some types of video marketing with a few examples.

These range from long-form videos to short-form and from educational to sales-focused but all have immense value in their own right.


1. Brand videos 


Brand videos serve as part of a larger marketing campaign to raise brand awareness and increase traffic.


So much can be said about a brand through video; the art style, direction, and message itself tell customers who the brand is and shed light on its values, mission, Coca-Cola, and culture.


They are a highly effective form of video content that quickly captures your target audience's attention and delivers significant impact.


2. Explainer videos 


Explainer videos are a great way to show how your product or service can benefit the end user, the customer.


Often these will involve storytelling behind the scenes, creating fictional circumstances where the person finds a solution to their problem using, you guessed it, your brand!


Or, these can be funny or edgy by tapping into a brand's target audience in the best way possible like the example below.


3. Demo videos 


If explainer videos introduce people to your brand when they're at the top of the marketing funnel (the awareness stage), product demo videos go a little deeper to showcase your product or service in more detail.

With demo videos, you can highlight specific features and benefits to drive interest and conversions.


4. How-To and explainer video


How-to videos help to educate your audience on your product or service in a very convenient way.

This video marketing example is hugely popular for onboarding as brands can show a customer exactly how to do something and then a well-timed call to action increases signups!

It also enhances customer relationships by building trust and authority in your niche through the delivery of valuable content.



5. Expert Interviews and Q&A videos 


This type of video content answers customers' most burning questions and shows that you're listening to your audience.

They also build authority and credibility in your industry by offering detailed insights on relevant topics, and featuring influential and respected community members.



6. Event videos 


If you have a hot event, then event videos are a great way to generate interest and spread awareness.

From fundraisers to webinars and conferences, use this video strategy to let people know what, when, and where it's happening.



7. Case Studies and Testimonial videos 


Social proofing is a powerful marketing strategy that leans on using customer experiences to inspire confidence in new customers.


We're naturally more inclined to trust or try a new product or service if we see that it has worked for other people and they've had a positive experience.


Share case studies to show how your product or service solves real problems for customers.


Also, use testimonials to boost confidence and trust.



8. User-Generated Content 


Collaborating with your audience saves time, promotes your brand on social media channels, and raises awareness whilst building social proof simultaneously.


Encourage your audience to interact and share content with competitions, guest blogs, influencer marketing, and more.


A dog sleeping with a christmas cap as example of user generatewd content in video marketing


Will You Join 79% of Marketers Planning to Use a Video Marketing Strategy?


Of the companies already using video marketing in their overall digital marketing strategy, 99% of them will continue you use it. And of those that don't, 79% said they would. 


With almost 9 out of 10 customers wanting to see video content online, there's a clear demand for the medium, and savvy businesses are already reaping the rewards of incorporating a video marketing campaign. 




What are some benefits of video marketing?

The benefits of video marketing are plenty and have an impact on your target audience:

  • Boosts brand awareness and recognition

  • Increases customer engagement and interaction in social channels 

  • Improves search engine rankings and website/ blog posts traffic

  • Conveys information quickly and effectively, improving social networks

  • Builds trust and credibility with the audience

  • Provides measurable and trackable metrics results for ROI analysis

  • Increases sales and conversions through effective storytelling


How long should marketing videos be?

The appropriate length for a marketing video depends on the objectives you want to achieve with it.


Here is what a study by Hubspot tells us:


"A whopping 96% of marketers agree that the optimal length of a marketing video is under 10 minutes.


Beyond that, opinions start to differ, with the largest chunk of them (36%) saying video formats should be between 1-3 minutes, while 27% think the sweet spot is between 4-6 minutes.


Another 16% say the optimal video length is under 60 seconds. On the other hand 15% advocate for videos between 7-9 minutes long". 


Why video marketing is so powerful?

Video marketing is a powerful process because it offers a visual and immersive experience that can grab and hold an audience's attention. It also allows for storytelling and human connection, which can help build brand trust, loyalty, and satisfied customers. So, video marketers are able to increase website traffic, engagement, and conversions on social media platforms.


What are the disadvantages of video marketing?

Nice question! Here are the main disadvantages of video marketing:


  • Time-consuming: video production takes time and effort to plan, create, edit and promote.

  • Expensive: high-quality video production can require expensive equipment, software, and talent.

  • Technical issues: Videos can encounter problems like buffering, uploading difficulties, or compatibility challenges.

  • Limited access: Not all users may have the technology, Internet speed, or data plans needed to view videos.

  • Attention span: A short attention span might cause viewers to lose interest in lengthy videos.

  • Ineffectiveness for some audiences: Some audiences may prefer other types of content or may not have access to videos.


Become a Certified Digital Marketer!

Master the fundamentals of digital marketing as you learn about: 

  • Module 1 - Introduction to Digital Marketing

  • Module 2 - Tracking and Analytics

  • Module 3 - Targeting your audience organically with awareness channels

  • Module 4 - Targeting your audience using paid media

  • Module 5 - Retargeting your audience

  • Module 6 - Landing page optimisation


digital marketing course


Learning with Growth Tribe couldn't be easier.


All of our courses are designed to be flexible for the learner with self-paced content so you can manage your time and learning, to best suit your lifestyle. 


Join a community of over 35,000 certified alumni who share a passion for growing their skills and positively impacting their careers. 




Video Marketing

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