Discover Growth Marketing: The Essential Guide to Bold Beginnings

calendar Oct 2, 2022
author Written by Artur Glukhovskyy

Updated on 25/06/2024

In today's fast-paced digital world, traditional marketing strategies are quickly evolving to match changing consumer behaviours and new technologies. Growth marketing stands out as one of the most dynamic and effective approaches. 


And if you’re new to the term, we’ll break down what growth marketing is and how it can accelerate and sustain business growth. 

  1. What is the definition of growth marketing?
  2. How growth marketing compares to digital marketing
  3. Growth marketing terms
  4. The traits of a great growth marketer

What is the definition of growth marketing? 


The growth marketing strategy is a data-driven approach to rapidly testing new ideas through experimentation. 


It is focused on the entire sales funnel or customer lifecycle.


Growth marketers use analytics, marketing tools and software to interpret how their users interact with a company at any given stage of the funnel, to build robust long-term strategies. 


Growth marketing by definition will draw comparisons to a growth hacker's (growth hacking).


The two can be distinguished as this:


Growth hacking is predominantly associated with startups achieving exponential business growth on a low budget and typically focusing on one area at a time.


Growth marketing, while using similar hacks and techniques, incrementally adapts ideas and experiments for long-term gain over several channels.


The benefits of growth marketing can be found in:

  • Increased customer retention rate
  • User experience
  • Customer referrals
  • Customer reviews
  • Decreased customer acquisition cost

How growth marketing compares to digital marketing 


Traditional marketing campaigns focus on the top of the marketing funnel, awareness and acquisition.


The name of the game here is to first, attract customers and secondly, get them to commit sorts (purchase, subscribe, fill out a form etc). 


The tried and tested techniques traditional marketers use to do this might be an email blast (as opposed to a structured campaign), hosting a sales event or running a Google Ads campaign. 


A common problem with traditional marketing techniques like these is that there’s not necessarily a great deal of research being done before a company gives the go-ahead.


It’s more a case of: 

“We need to attract X amount of people, let’s run an ad and see what happens.” 


It aims for growth by attracting new customers but doesn’t rely on data to adapt and optimise advertising campaigns.


These promotions can bring results, but often the results fade quickly, along with the budget. 




Because there's no plan to adapt tactics.


Where growth marketing teams who implement growth strategies differ and expand on these techniques, is by obsessively analysing data for informed decisions.


They're interested to see what’s working, and making incremental changes so that each stage of the funnel can perform to its optimum, with as low costs as possible, all based on data-driven decisions. 


A growth marketing manager is actively looking for growth opportunities to increase customer lifetime and experience and build loyal customers. 


Because the customer journey is now more diverse and complex than ever, with social media marketing and search engine optimisation, for marketers to truly excel they need to have a good understanding of the different stages customers pass through and also.


And, to know who their target audience is


This approach to marketing and its understanding of the target audience and the data used to support what’s working allows growth marketers to tailor messages and campaigns with laser-focused insights.


Which in turn, maximises each stage of the funnel. 

Growth marketing terms  


Here we’ll mention some of the core principles around the goal of growth marketing and what they mean. 


A/B Testing 

One of the core practices of successful growth marketers is that of constant testing, especially A/B testing or split testing as it’s sometimes referred to.


This practice entails marketers trialling or experimenting with different variations of a format (websites, social media ads, emails etc) to see whether version ‘A’ or ‘B’ lands them more engagement or conversions.


Whichever gives the best result informs growth marketers on where to focus their attention. 


Continuous testing is used across multiple channels and can be applied to practically every type of digital practice, some common examples would be: 


1. Email Marketing 

Data analytics tools will tell marketers how an email campaign is performing. This includes metrics like:

Statistics like these help marketers understand the behaviour of their users.


How many people are opening an email?


How many people click the embedded links? How many people open an email but back out of it? 


A/B testing is then deployed to create alternate versions of the email where the graphics, subject line, copy or links are changed to see which version performs better. 


2. Social Media Ads 

Applying the same logic to social media ads or even just content marketing in general, some examples of social media metrics would be: 


Growth marketers would then interpret these metrics and create new versions to test. 


There’s a lot to consider with social media/content marketing efforts and dozens of variables, which makes testing more stringent.


But some good places to start would be: Images vs video, tone of voice, use of emojis, embedded links, copy length and more. 


Your content marketing strategy must be focused on delivering valuable content for your customer base!


3. Landing Pages 

The goal of any landing page is to convert your audience into taking the desired action. 


These are the standalone web pages that customers see when they click through a link or an ad. 


The most important metric for a landing page is the conversion rate but marketers will need to look at several other metrics to understand how conversion rates are impacted fully.


These include: 


Once they have the data, marketers can start with conversion rate optimisation and begin creating experiments for A/B testing.


For landing pages, this might involve changes to the copy, design, the UI, adding a countdown timer, personalisation and more


It’s worth noting that with A/B testing, you’re not limited to the implied two versions of a format.


You can batch multiple tests but the important thing to remember is that you want to individualise testing. 


Growth marketing is so effective because it understands its target audience and its user behaviour so well.


This allows them to experiment with ideas using a single demographic until something lands, before moving on to another group. 


Customer Lifecycle 

This refers to the entire customer lifecycle that a customer passes through and the marketing strategies that encourage repeat business.


From first contact where a customer is exposed to your brand, to interacting or making a purchase, to reselling existing customers. 


This cycle can essentially be broken down into four stages: 

  1. Awareness
  2. Customer acquisition
  3. Activation Stage
  4. Customer retention


SmartInsights does an excellent job of showing an entire customer journey model with this graphic: 

The traits of a great growth marketer 

Beyond the digital know-how imprinted in marketers, the addition of the word ‘growth’ here indicates the need for a mindset shift to a growth marketing mindset.


A true CEO of growth marketing has a T-shaped marketer profile. 


👉 Take a look at this T-shaped leadership quiz we've designed to test your T-shaped profile! 


Growth marketing is an iterative process, which naturally lends itself to forward-thinking, agile people who can react in real-time using their utility belt of tricks.


No, growth marketing isn't about performing a magic trick, but you can excel in it if you possess these characteristics:


1. Big Picture Thinking 

Growth marketing is about the meticulous details that drive businesses. Identifying what works, experimenting to discover new opportunities and honing in on data-led indicators. 


That being said, a great growth marketer always considers the bigger picture and how their work can benefit the overarching goals of the business - long term. 


They value the data but also are comfortable using their intuition.


It’s a blurry line between the idea-centric ambitions of an entrepreneurial mind and the pragmatic analyst, but a great growth marketer can walk this tightrope with confidence


2. Data-Driven 

Following on from the previous trait, the ability to obsessively analyse data is at the heart of successful growth marketing efforts. 


Growth marketers have numerous tools at their disposal which are used to decipher customer behaviour and company metrics. 


Interpreting this data, to form actionable strategies that grow, convert, and retain customers, is the unwavering north star for a great growth marketer. 


3. Creative 

Growth marketers welcome a challenge.


The notion of venturing into uncharted marketing waters fills them with a sense of adventure rather than fear. 


Growth marketing is barely more than a decade old, which means there are going to be many, many changes to formulas with new ideas coming to the forefront so be brave! 


Creative thinkers want to be at the helm of these discoveries and as a growth marketer, it’s encouraged.


4. You Understand How People Think  

Great growth marketers have a natural understanding of consumer behaviours and the psychology around marketing


They’re able to translate hard data into relatable stories that their audiences can feel connected to. 


Understanding why people react to certain marketing messages, and the behaviours that drive those decisions gives growth marketers a huge advantage when creating growth marketing campaigns. 


Want to Learn More About Growth Marketing?

You're in for a treat!


As a leading educational course provider, we created the most effective Growth Marketing course you can find!


Our comprehensive Growth Marketing course will equip you with the skills and strategies needed to thrive in today's digital era.


Whether you're an aspiring marketer or a seasoned professional, this course is tailored to meet your needs and take your growth marketing expertise to the next level.


6 Modules | 62 lessons | 35 videos | 6 tests | 6 exercises

  • Module 1: Back to the fundamentals
  • Module 2: Make data work for you
  • Module 3: Design & execute your own experiments
  • Module 4: Funnel marketing (awareness & acquisition)
  • Module 5: Funnel marketing (activation & retention)
  • Module 6: Funnel marketing (referral & revenue)


👉 Check out our course here!


Growth Tribe Growth Marketing Course


FAQ on Growth Marketing


1. What is Growth Marketing?

Growth marketing focuses on sustainable growth through data-driven strategies and ongoing experimentation, aiming for long-term success by continually refining customer acquisition and retention tactics.


2. How is Growth Marketing different from Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing relies on broad, immediate campaigns for short-term gains like sales or brand awareness. Growth marketing uses data to adapt and optimise strategies continuously, prioritising both immediate and sustained growth.


3. What Skills Do I Need ?

To start in growth marketing, you'll need skills in data analysis to interpret trends, creativity to innovate campaigns, and a willingness to experiment with different approaches. Familiarity with marketing tools and understanding your audience are also crucial.

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