Are you a T-Shaped marketer? Take the quiz!

The most effective marketers in today’s world are T-Shaped. They have a broad understanding of most channels and skills, with expertise in a couple of subject areas.

Check how future-proof you are with our T-Shaped Quiz.

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Who are T-Shaped Marketers?

T-Shaped marketers are the marketing specialists of the future. They are experts in one or two areas of marketing but have a practical, working understanding of all other domains. Are you a T-Shaped marketer?

Growth Tribe T-shaped Marketing

What are the benefits of being a T-Shaped Marketer?

Holistic Strategy

Holistic Strategy

Having a practical understanding of multiple domains enables T-Shaped marketers to create holistic marketing strategies to supercharge growth.

Career Potential

Career Potential

There is a high demand for T-Shaped marketers as companies are looking to experiment with more channels and diversify their growth strategies.

Organisational Integration

Organisational Integration

T-Shaped marketers can easily work with other teams, understanding company-wide bottlenecks and how to solve them.

What skills should you have to be a T-shaped marketer?

T-Shaped Base Knowledge

These T-Shaped skills are non-marketing specific subjects that provide the foundation for the next two marketing-specific layers.

Growth Tribe T-shaped Marketing Layer 1
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset

A Growth Mindset is a fundamental mindset for acquiring skills. This is essentially the view that everyone is a work in progress, and your talent can be developed through learning & effort.

Data Analytics

We live in a world with vast amounts of data to empower decision making. Data Analytics is how you make sense of data, to drive more powerful decisions.

Strategic Planning

The ability to strategize provides structure and direction for both your own T-shaped set of skills, but also for your team and organisation as a whole.

Problem Solving

In a complex world that is changing faster than ever, the ability to think on your feet and problem solve issues as they arise is a key foundational skill.

Behavioural Psychology

By understanding why people behave the way they do, and their inherent patterns, you can better serve marketing and communications that cut through the noise.

T-Shaped Marketing Foundation

These are T-Shaped marketing skills you should know that can be used across almost any channel you use.

Growth Tribe T-shaped Marketing Layer 2
Rapid Experimentation
Rapid Experimentation

The most innovative and fastest-growing companies today use rapid experimentation to achieve impressive results. Utilising this test and learn approach is key for your T-Shaped marketing skills too.

Automation & API’s
Data Analytics

Automation API’s allows for the automation of processes to achieve hands-off marketing operations and results, in what is also known as engineered marketing.

Attribution Modelling
Attribution Modelling

Attribution models track and determine how to attribute credit for sales and leads according to touchpoints. A key T-Shaped skill to discover which channels and tactics are working.

Product Marketing
Product Marketing

The process of bringing a product to market, including deciding it’s messaging, positioning and driving demand is an important T-shaped skill.

Generative AI
Generative AI

Generative AI involves harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to autonomously create content, ideas, or solutions. 

T-Shaped Channel Expertise

Growth Tribe T-shaped Marketing Layer 3
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Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) enables you to improve your website performance and drive more registrations to your product.

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A/B Testing

A/B testing, at its most basic, is a way to compare two versions of a marketing asset, like a landing page or social ad, to find out which performs better.

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Search Engine Optimisation is a rapidly changing marketing channel that uses non-paid methods to achieve organic ranking in search results.

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Search Engine Marketing refers to using paid PPC methods to achieve visibility in search engine results.

Email Marketing

Despite the ever-changing landscape of marketing, email is still the most effective channel, delivering the highest ROI of any marketing channel.

Growth Loops

Growth loops are closed marketing systems where the input, through a series of actions, generates an output that can be reinvested back into the input.

Social Media Marketing

Today, 53.6% of the world's population uses social media, and with new platforms popping up all the time they represent some of the best ways to reach new & changing audiences.

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Paid Social Advertising

With the amount of data and targeting available on social media, paying to place ads in front of your ideal audience is a great way to increase your brands visibility.

Retention & Loyalty

For many business models such as subscription, freemium, media sites, marketplaces, e-commerce, user-generated content sites or apps, retention is king.

Referral Marketing

Word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing there is. Referral marketing is simply the way you increase the likelihood of getting a referral from a loyal customer.


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